Gabriela Caraveo Piso, PhD

Principle Investigator
Albert Einstein expressed very well what science for me is: “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the Mysterious. It is the source of all true art and true science”.
If you were a musical instrument, which one would you be?
The cello and the bongos. Both instruments engage the entire body, emanating an undeniable intensity that resonates across the spectrum of emotions.


Momoko Takahashi, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
If you were a musical instrument, which one would you be?


Ekaterina Grebenik, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar
Science is an indispensable part of my life.
If you were a musical instrument, which one would you be?
I'm like a guitar, which is mobile and can perform in different genres


Kaleigh Copenhaver

PhD Candidate
Science is like a really big, complicated puzzle for me. It can be overwhelming to look at the whole unfinished picture, but it’s a great feeling to connect two small pieces together and start bringing the image together
If you were a musical instrument, which one would you be?
I would be a saxophone! Not really sure why, but I just love a good saxophone riff.